Terms and Conditions
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Article 1
Definitions and applicability
In these conditions the following definitions apply:
1. Vrijheid aan de Kust: registered in the Chamber of Commerce under number 55994296. Vrijheid aan de Kust
acts exclusively as a rental intermediary in the tourist rental of a Holiday Accommodation by an Owner
a Guest, hereinafter also referred to as 'Rental Agent' or 'Vrijheid aan de Kust'.
2. Holiday accommodation: a holiday accommodation offered for recreational purposes, consisting of a holiday home,
apartment , bungalow, summer house and other similar holiday accommodations.
3. Owner: the rightful owner of a Holiday Accommodation who sells the Holiday Accommodation through rental mediation
Vrijheid aan de Kust has been offered for rental.
4. Guest: the person who enters into the agreement with Vrijheid aan de Kust regarding the rental of a Holiday Accommodation;
5. Fellow traveler: the person and/or persons indicated on the agreement and/or customer portal;
6. Third party: any other person, other than the Guest and/or his fellow traveler(s);
7. Agreed price: the compensation paid by the Guest for the use of the Holiday Accommodation and
for any additional costs such as cleaning costs, tourist tax and the like;
8. Information: written/electronic information about the use of the holiday accommodation, the facilities and the rules
regarding the stay;
9. Cancellation: the written termination of the Agreement by the Guest before the start date of the stay.
10. Conditions: these general terms and conditions of Vrijheid aan de Kust.
1. These general terms and conditions apply to all legal relationships between the Guest and Vrijheid aan de Kust, including offers, quotations and Agreements.
2. By accepting an offer made by Vrijheid aan de Kust, the Guest also accepts the applicability of these general terms and conditions. Applicability of general terms and conditions of others is expressly rejected and excluded by Vrijheid aan de Kust.
3. Deviations from and/or additions to these general terms and conditions only apply if and insofar as they have been expressly accepted in writing by an authorized representative of Vrijheid aan de Kust. An agreed deviation or addition only relates to the Agreement for which it was agreed .
4. Before the Agreement is concluded, Vrijheid aan de Kust will make the text of these general terms and conditions
available to the Guest. The text of these general terms and conditions will in any case be made available to the Guest electronically via the Vrijheid aan de Kust website in such a way that it can easily be stored by Guest on a durable data carrier. If this is not possible, before a distance contract is concluded, it will be indicated where the general terms and conditions can be viewed electronically and that they will be sent free of charge electronically or otherwise at the request of the Guest.
5. These general terms and conditions can be consulted at www.vrijheidaandekust.nl and when confirming a booking to the Guest.
Article 2
Rental mediation and contents of the Agreement
1. The Owner has granted Vrijheid aan de Kust as Rental Intermediary the right to rent the Holiday Accommodation in the Owner's own name and at the expense and risk of the Owner to the Guest who will only be staying there for a short period of time.
2. The Holiday Accommodations offered are the property of the Owner and Vrijheid aan de Kust exclusively mediates in the rental to the Guest. The Owner uses the services of the Rental Agent who will rent the Holiday Accommodation to a Guest in his own name but at the expense and risk of the Owner and enters into an agreement with the Guest for this purpose.
3. Vrijheid aan de Kust - in the context of its rental mediation activities on behalf of the Owner - makes available to the Guest for recreational purposes, i.e. not for permanent residence, a Holiday Accommodation of the type or type that has been agreed, for the agreed period and the Agreed Price .
The agreement regarding the Holiday Accommodation is concluded via the online booking system of Vrijheidaan de Kust on the website: www.vrijheidaandekust.nl or via e-mail or telephone, the Gasteen reserves and books the Holiday Accommodation and any additional services (if any) are indicated. The Agreement is only definitively concluded by written confirmation by e-mail from Vrijheid aan de Kust of the booking to the Guest, containing the confirmation of the desired Holiday Accommodation, the number of Fellow Travellers, the period of stay with the arrival and departure times, the Agreed Price, the reservation costs. , any additional services
and other details.
4. Vrijheid aan de Kust provides the Guest with information about the Holiday Accommodation via the website www.vrijheidaandekust.nl. Vrijheid aan de Kust makes every effort to present this information as correctly as possible, but the Guest cannot derive any rights from this. Vrijheid aan de Kust has the right to change the information at any time. If the Guest is of the opinion that the Holiday Accommodation does not meet the expectations set on the website, in brochures or other advertising communications from Vrijheid aan de Kust, this does not constitute grounds for reclaiming part or all
of the Agreed Price.
5 . In the interest of a good booking and to prevent misunderstandings, the Guest undertakes to check the correctness and completeness of the booked information after receipt
of the booking form/invoice and any other written documents and to report any incompleteness or inaccuracies within 7 days of receipt of the booking. booking form/invoice and/or other documents to Vrijheid aan de Kust. If such a notification is not received within the specified period, the Guest is not entitled to rely on the incompleteness or inaccuracy of the booking form/invoice and/or other documents .
6. Errors or mistakes in the rental program of Vrijheid aan de Kust cannot bind Vrijheid aan de Kust.
7. Vrijheid aan de Kust is obliged to provide the Guest with the written information on the basis of which this Agreement is concluded in advance. Vrijheid aan de Kust always informs the Guest in writing of any changes herein as timely as possible. If the information differs significantly from the information provided when entering into the Agreement, the Guest has the right to cancel the Agreement in writing without costs.
8. The Guest has the obligation to fully and timely comply with the Agreement and the associated information and to fulfill all resulting payment obligations correctly and in accordance with the applicable payment terms. The Guest ensures that fellow traveler(s) and/or third party(s) who visiting and/or staying with him
will also fully comply with the Agreement and the associated information.
9. Vrijheid aan de Kust makes every effort to accommodate the changes desired by the Guest after the booking has become final and after the Agreement has been concluded. Vrijheid aande Kust may charge costs for this to the Guest. These costs will be communicated to the Guest in advance.
10. The person who enters into an Agreement for a Holiday Accommodation with Vrijheid aan de Kust must be at least 21 (twenty-one) years old, unless otherwise stated. Vrijheid aan de Kust can request identification for this purpose .
Article 3
Duration and expiry of the Agreement
The Agreement ends by operation of law after the agreed period has expired, without notice of termination or any other legal act being required.
Article 4
Price and price changes
1. The price is agreed on the basis of the rates applicable at that time, which have been determined by Vrijheid aan de Kust.
2. If, after the Agreed Price has been determined, additional costs arise due to an increase in charges on the part of Vrijheid aan de Kust as a result of a change in charges and/or levies that directly relate to the Holiday Accommodation or the Guest, these can be charged to the Guest. be charged, even after the conclusion of the Agreement.
3. Possible discounts are shown during the booking process. It is not possible to combine discounts. If a discount applies, no other discount or promotional item will be provided. Any discount promotions do not apply to existing and already made reservations.
4. Offers from Vrijheid aan de Kust are always without obligation and are subject to interim changes. All statements on the Vrijheid aan de Kust website and any other written statements are deemed to have been provided in good faith and are always subject to interim adjustments. Vrijheid aan de Kust is not bound by apparent errors and omissions in its website and any other written expressions.
5. The Guest declares that he has taken note of the description of the Holiday Accommodation by Vrijheid aan de Kust on the website and does not require any further description . Prices always include sales tax but exclude costs of (non-mandatory) cancellation and/or travel insurance and/or other costs. Special additional costs such as energy costs, cleaning costs, booking costs and local fees determined by and on behalf of the government are stated separately.
Article 5
1. The Guest must make payment (in euros) to the bank account number provided by Vrijheid aan de Kust and
taking into account the agreed terms.
2. At least half of the price must be paid within 7 (seven) days after confirmation of the Agreement by Vrijheid aan de Kust. Payment of the remainder (the remaining half) of the price must be made no later than 30 (thirty) days before the arrival date.
3. When paying the first agreed installment, the Guest automatically agrees to the conditions of Vrijheidaan de Kust.
4. If the Agreement is concluded within 30 (thirty) days before the arrival date, the total price must be paid within 7 (seven) days after confirmation of the Agreement by Vrijheid aan de Kust, but in any case the price must be received before the arrival date by Vrijheid aan de Kust.
5. A deposit is required for some holiday accommodations. This is stated in the booking process. The deposit is due by the Guest at the second payment term. Any damage or loss of items present in or at the Holiday Accommodation will be deducted from the deposit and the remainder of the deposit will be refunded to the Guest within 14 (fourteen) days to the bank account number known to Vrijheid aan de Kust with which the Guest has transferred the installments.
6. If, despite prior written notice, the Guest does not or does not properly fulfill his payment obligation within a period of two weeks after the written notice, Vrijheid aan de Kust has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect, without prejudice to the right of Vrijheid aan de Kust to full payment. of the agreed price and without prejudice to the other rights of Vrijheid aan de Kust under the Agreement, these general terms and conditions and/or the law.
7. If Vrijheid aan de Kust is not in possession of the total Agreed Price due on the day of arrival, it is entitled to deny the Guest access to the Holiday Accommodation, without prejudice to Vrijheidaan de Kust's right to full payment of the Agreed Price.
8. The extrajudicial costs reasonably incurred by Vrijheid aan de Kust, after a notice of default, will be borne by the Guest. If the total amount is not paid on time, the legally determined interest rate on the outstanding amount will be charged after written notice.
Article 6
Cancellation and costs
1. The Guest has the right to
cancel free of charge within seven days after Vrijheid aan de Kust has confirmed the booking to the Guest in writing.
2. In the event of cancellation by the Guest that takes place after the period referred to in paragraph 1, the Guest is liable to pay a cancellation fee to Vrijheid aan de Kust. This compensation consists of a fixed amount of administration costs of € 30 and a part of the Agreed price: in case of cancellation more than three months before the arrival day , 25% of the Agreed price;
in case of cancellation within three to two months before the arrival day , 50% of the Agreed price;
in case of cancellation within two to one month before the arrival day, 75% of the Agreed price; in case of cancellation within one month and 1 week before the arrival day , 90% of the Agreed price;
in case of cancellation within 1 week before the arrival day , 100% of the Agreed price.
3. The cleaning fee is included in the Agreed price. The following surcharges are not included in the agreed price and will be fully refunded in the event of cancellation: tourist tax, linen package, bed linen, towels, dog surcharge, early check- in , late check-out.
4. Bicycles, carts and BBQ are rented by the Guest through an external party. The Guest can cancel this free of charge no later than one week before the arrival day .
5. If desired, the Guest must take out travel and/or cancellation insurance himself, the costs of which will be borne by the Guest. Freedom for the Coast is never responsible or liable for this.
6. In the unlikely event that a Holiday Accommodation previously desired or booked by the Guest as stated on the reservation or booking confirmation is unavailable, Vrijheid aan de Kust will offer a suitable alternative for another Holiday Accommodation. If the Tenant does not agree with the alternative offered, the rental sum already paid will be fully returned to the Guest.
Article 7
Use by third parties
1. Use by a Third Party(s) of the Holiday Accommodation is only permitted if Vrijheid aan de Kust has given its prior written permission.2. Conditions may be imposed on the permission given, which must then be recorded in writing in advance.3. The Guest is prohibited from using the Holiday Accommodation with more people than for which it is equipped, or from using the Holiday Accommodation with more people than the number of persons stated on the reservation.
Article 8
Early departure of the Guest
In the event of early departure by the Guest, no (partial) refund of the Agreed price will take place and the full Agreed price is due.
Article 9
Interim termination by Vrijheid aan de Kust and eviction in the event of an attributable shortcoming and/or
unlawful act
1. Vrijheid aan de Kust can terminate the Agreement with immediate effect:
a. If the Guest, fellow traveler(s) and/or Third Party(s) do not or do not properly comply with the obligations under the Agreement, the associated information and/or the government regulations, despite prior written warning, to such an extent that, according to the standards of reasonableness and fairness, Vrijheid aan de Kust cannot be expected to continue the Agreement;
b. If, despite prior written warning, the Guest causes nuisance to Vrijheid aan de Kust and/or fellow travelers , or spoils the good atmosphere on or in the immediate vicinity of the site;
c. If, despite prior written warning, the Guest acts contrary to the intended use of the site by using the Holiday Accommodation.
2. If Vrijheid aan de Kust wishes interim cancellation and eviction, it must inform the Guest of this in a personally delivered letter. In that letter, the Guest must be informed of the possibility of submitting the dispute to the Disputes Committee. The written warning may be omitted in urgent cases.
3. After cancellation, the Guest must ensure that the Holiday Accommodation is vacated and the site is left as soon as possible, but no later than within 2 hours.
4. The Guest remains in principle obliged to pay the Agreed price.
Article 10
Legislation and regulations
1. Vrijheid aan de Kust ensures, under the responsibility of the Owner, that the Holiday Accommodation, both internally and externally, meets all environmental and safety requirements that the government may impose on the Holiday Accommodation.2. The Guest is obliged to strictly comply with all safety regulations applicable on the premises. He also ensures that fellow traveler(s) and/or Third Party(s) who visit him and/or stay with him strictly comply with the safety regulations applicable on the site
Article 11
Maintenance and construction, inventory
1. Vrijheid aan de Kust is obliged to keep the recreation area and the central facilities in a good state of maintenance.
2. The Guest is obliged to keep the Holiday Accommodation and the immediate surroundings in the same condition in which the Guest received it during the term of the Agreement.
3. The Guest, fellow traveler(s) and/or Third Party(s) are not permitted to dig, cut down trees, prune shrubs or carry out any other activity of a similar nature on the site.
4. A Guest is obliged to keep the Holiday Accommodation and the immediate surroundings (during the term of the agreement) in the same state of repair as the Guest received or entered it.
5. At the end of the stay, the Guest must do general cleaning before departure.
6. During his stay, the Guest is liable for the Holiday Accommodation and the careful use of the inventory in the Holiday Accommodation. In the event of damage to the Holiday Accommodation or the inventory that occurs during the stay by the Guest or his fellow travelers, he or she is obliged to report this to Vrijheid aan de Kust and to compensate all damage. Vrijheid aan de Kust is entitled to charge the Guest even after the end of the stay. agreement liable for this.
Article 12
Liability and force majeure
1. Vrijheid aan de Kust acts exclusively as a rental intermediary. Vrijheid aan de Kust can never be held liable and bears no responsibility for the Owner's default in any form or degree.
2. Vrijheid aan de Kust has the necessary (business) liability insurance. The legal liability of Vrijheid aan de Kust for damages other than personal injury and death is limited to a maximum of three times the Agreed price.
3. The liability of Vrijheid aan de Kust will never exceed the amount paid out by the insurer of Vrijheid aan de Kust.
4. Vrijheid aan de Kust is not liable for cancellations, damage or costs incurred by the Guest as a direct or indirect result of a force majeure situation. Force majeure includes any circumstance beyond the control and control of Vrijheid aan de Kust, which
prevents or complicates the normal execution of the agreement in such a way that it cannot reasonably be expected from Vrijheid aan de Kust, such as, among other things, strike, lack of persons, government measures, shortcomings on the part of third parties engaged (including suppliers), defects and/or damage to resources, transport obstacles and/or traffic disruptions, any circumstance related to the Corona virus (COVID-19) or other pandemics or epidemics , including related government measures, etc.
5. Vrijheid aan de Kust is entitled to terminate the agreement in whole or in part on the basis of unforeseen circumstances of such a nature that the Guest cannot expect the agreement to remain unchanged according to standards of reasonableness and fairness. The amendment or dissolution may be granted retroactive effect. Unforeseen circumstances also include unforeseen circumstances resulting from the Corona virus (COVID-19) or other pandemics or epidemics, including possible government measures taken in connection with the Corona virus (COVID-19) or other pandemics or epidemics.
6. The Guest is not entitled to compensation for damage suffered or to be suffered as a result of force majeure, unforeseen circumstances, suspension or dissolution within the meaning of the previous paragraphs.
7. If Vrijheid aan de Kust is forced to cancel an agreement due to force majeure, Vrijheid aan de Kust cannot be held liable in any way. In such a situation, a full refund of the amount paid to Vrijheid aan deKust will take place.
8. The Guest is liable for all damage to the Holiday Accommodation, inventory and/or furniture that occurs during the rental period, caused by him or his co-tenant(s). This will be repaired at the expense of the Guest.
9. Vrijheid aan de Kust is not liable for an accident, theft or damage in the Holiday Accommodation or on the grounds, unless this is the result of a shortcoming attributable to Vrijheid aan de Kust.
10. Vrijheid aan de Kust is not liable for the consequences of extreme weather conditions or other forms of force majeure.
11. Vrijheid aan de Kust is not liable for disruptions in utilities, unless this is the result of a shortcoming attributable to Vrijheid aan de Kust.
12. Vrijheid aan de Kust is not liable for unexpected (construction) activities in the vicinity of the Holiday Home, possible nuisance for the Guest, and/or work on access and/or main roads, noise pollution from, for example, neighbors, church bells, fireworks, cars, trains. or agricultural implements, nuisance caused by vermin and environmental problems in the vicinity of the Holiday Accommodation.
13. Vrijheid aan de Kust is not liable for injuries to Guests, fellow travelers or third parties that have occurred with the
playground equipment present at the Holiday Accommodation.
14. Vrijheid aan de Kust is not liable for damage for which the Guest is entitled to compensation under travel or cancellation insurance.
15. The Guest is liable towards Vrijheid aan de Kust for damage caused by the actions or omissions of himself, the fellow traveler(s) and/or third party(s), insofar as it concerns damage caused to the Guest, the fellow traveler(s) and/or third party(s) can be attributed. The Guest is obliged to report damage immediately to Vrijheid aan de Kust.
Article 13
House rules for smoking and pets
1. Smoking is not permitted in the Holiday Accommodation.
2. It is not permitted to camp at the Holiday Accommodation using a camper, caravan, trailer tent, tent, etc. Parking or placing a camper, caravan, trailer tent, tent, etc. is not permitted in the driveway, in the garden, in the street or on the relevant park, at or from the Holiday Accommodation.
3. Pets are allowed to a limited extent, provided they are registered when making the reservation and this is permitted at the holiday accommodation in question. Registration at reservation is required.
4. Some holiday homes allow you to bring a dog. Other pets are not allowed. The following minimum conditions apply to dogs:
a. The Guest must provide a basket or rug for the dog's stay;
b. Dogs are not allowed on the beds and furniture in the Holiday Accommodation;
c. The droppings must be cleaned up in the garden.5. Vrijheid aan de Kust has the right to terminate the agreement if the Guest does not comply with the applicable house rules. In that case, the Guest is not entitled to a refund of the price already paid.
Article 14
Complaints and Dispute Resolution
1. In the event of complaints, the Guest will first contact Vrijheid aan de Kust (personally at the office, by telephone, by WhatsApp or by email) - before following the dispute settlement procedure - so that a search will be made in mutual consultation. a solution.
2. Dutch law applies to all disputes relating to the Agreement. Only the Disputes Committee or a Dutch court has jurisdiction to hear these disputes.
3. Disputes between the Guest and Vrijheid aan de Kust regarding the conclusion or implementation of the agreement to which these general terms and conditions apply, can be submitted by both the Guest and Vrijheid aan de Kust to
the Recreation Disputes Committee, PO Box 90600, 2509 LP The Hague.
4. In the event of a dispute about the conclusion or implementation of this Agreement, the dispute must be submitted to the Disputes Committee in writing or in another form to be determined by the Disputes Committee no later than 12 months after the date on which the Guest submitted the complaint to Vrijheid aan de Kust. If Vrijheid aan de Kusteen wishes to submit a dispute to the Disputes Committee, it must ask the Guest to decide within five weeks whether or not he or she wishes to come to the Disputes Committee. Vrijheid aan de Kust must announce that it will consider itself free to bring the dispute before the court after the expiry of the aforementioned period.
5. In those places where the terms and conditions refer to a Disputes Committee, a dispute can also be submitted to the court. If the Guest has submitted the dispute to the Disputes Committee, Vrijheid aan de Kust is bound by this choice.
6. For the handling of disputes, reference is made to the Recreation Disputes Committee Regulations. The Disputes Committee is not authorized to handle a dispute relating to illness, injury, death or non-payment of an invoice that is not based on a material complaint.
7. A fee is due for the handling of a dispute.8. The Guest and Vrijheid aan de Kust are bound by decisions of the Disputes Committee.
Article 15
The websites of Vrijheid aan de Kust contain reviews from other Guests about the Holiday Accommodations. These reviews are always from Guests who have also stayed in a Holiday Accommodation and have personal experiences. Vrijheid aan de Kust is not liable for the content of the reviews. If the Guest does not find a review appropriate, the Guest can always let Vrijheid aan de Kust know by e-mail or telephone.
Article 16
Final provisions
1. Vrijheid aan de Kust will comply with the applicable laws and regulations in the field of personal data protection when implementing the Agreement.
2. The Guest grants permission to Vrijheid aan de Kust to state the personal data as indicated when booking or the agreement on Vrijheid aan de Kust documents and to include them in the files of Vrijheid aan de Kust. This data is exclusively intended for internal use, invoicing, customer management, promotional campaigns, market studies and provision of information of various kinds. At the written request of the Guest, he has the right to inspect and, if desired, adjust the recorded data.
3. The provisions in these conditions do not apply only to Vrijheid aan de Kust, but also to (legal) persons who work or have worked for Vrijheid aan de Kust or by Vrijheid aan de Kust in the execution of an Agreement between Vrijheid aan de Kust. Coast and a Guest are enabled.
4. Vrijheid aan de Kust has the right to change or supplement these conditions. Changes will always be indicated on the Vrijheid aan de Kust website.
5. If and insofar as any provision in these general terms and conditions cannot be relied upon on grounds of reasonableness and fairness or its unreasonably onerous nature, then that provision will have as similar a meaning as possible in terms of content and scope, so that it can be invoked.
6. If these general terms and conditions and the agreement contain conflicting terms and conditions, the terms and conditions included in the agreement with the Guest apply.
7. The nullity or otherwise unenforceability of any provision of these general terms and conditions does
not affect the validity of the other provisions of these general terms and conditions.
8. The Agreement and these terms and conditions are exclusively governed by Dutch law. Vrijheid aan de Kust, version December 2020